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Release notes for TomP2P 4.2

Major changes

* better MapReduce support
* new API for put/get/add
* JDBM 8MB fix
* tons of fixes/improvements
* update to Netty 3.5.2 and latest JDBM


Although JDBM runs fine with TomP2P and all the testcases pass, the author of JDBM states that its slow on mulit-core machines. Rather than fixing JDBM 3, which is still considered to be alpha, he started to work on JDBM 4.
Only fixes will be applied to JDBM 3. This means as soon as JDBM 4 is available, I'm going to switch to that version. This may break the file format when upgrading from JDBM 3 to JDBM 4.
One possible scenario in TomP2P is to ship both libraries and convert JDBM 3 to JDBM 4 if necessary on the fly.  

Due to an update in the connection reservation, TomP2P runs with the official Netty and does not require a patched version.
I also started to integrate Netty more deeply into TomP2P, for example Data, or PeerAddress now accepts ChannelBuffer as an argument.

I'm also staring to change the naming scheme from [x].[y].[z] to [x].[y]. In the past, [y] meant that the API may change, while [z] were fixes, and [x] were ground breaking changes.
From the next release, [x] means that API may change and [y] are fixes. The current release 4.2 is a mix of both and the 4.2 release changes API.
The next version where API is changed will be 5.0 and bugfixes for the current version will go into 4.3.

Next things to do

* refinement of the API
* application level broadcast
* performance improvements
* make proper formatting (change to the sun standard)
* enable checkstyle
* push this library to the official maven repositories
* documentation